Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I'm Back...maybe

HEYYY!!!!!! *waves*
I have no idea who you are random person reading my blog. But that's okay. You don't know me either. I'm not sure you would want to know me or do you?
Meh. Keep reading.
Almost a year ago, I wrote about leaving this blogger. I needed some time away.  My Facebook account has remained closed this entire time. And that makes me feel good. I'm well aware that Google will track everything. And for right now, that's fine. I just need to write.
This is my therapy. And I need it.
I plan to write more. I always say that, but somehow fall short. Grrr.
I have so much to say.
So for those that tune in and read, I've considered turning this into some kind of money ads and such to get a small fee. Making part time cash is my side hustle.
I haven't decided yet.
I may not go this route. All in all...I plan to take this blog and use it to talk about real stuff that real people go through.
I'm looking for another place to blog that is NOT on Google. They keep every piece of information and I don't like that.
If anyone has any suggestions about a better platform to write, please let me know.

I won't give many details here.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

No more Blogger


I think addiction manifests in many ways. Too often, we the American people focus on the "few", such as:

Ya know...the obvious. But how come we don't talk about addiction to the following:
*Video Games
And much much more!

You may be wondering why I added an asterisk to Video Games. I'll get to that shortly, but as I was stating, there seems to be little if any support for people with addictions to something other than the four I previously mentioned.
These addictions are just as debilitating and life threatening as the rest, in my opinion.
Family and friends of the addicted individual are affected, but where's the support?

I thought of setting up a page on Facebook about this. But I recently gave up Facebook. I couldn't take it anymore. The "heart of man" is wicked. And the comments concerning politics, likes, dislikes and differences of opinion really ruffled my feathers so to speak.
I will be Facebook free 12/05/2018.
Everything will be deleted.
Now to move on to Google. LOL. Ugh...wait, why am I using this?

Google tracks everything.
Guess I need to find a new blog space.

Friday, November 16, 2018

The Truths of Parenting (Losing Sleep)

It's 1:35 a.m. and I'm watching CocoMelon with my son.
He woke up around 1 a.m. and was ready to play. He'll probably stay awake for 2-3 hours until he's ready to go back to sleep.
I've had a total of 3 hours of sleep.
Yupp. That's right....3 hours. And I'm kinda pissed.
My husband and I bedshare with our son. It works since I breastfeed.
Although my son is 17 months as of yesterday, he still breastfeeds throughout the day and night. I have taught him "NeeNee" whenever he wants to nurse. And for the past week, he's been asking quite frequently.
Since  I am a stay at home wife and mother, I wake up with our son. I figure my husband needs precious sleep so he can focus at work. He works a very technical job and quite honestly, he's extremely grouchy and not nice when he doesn't get sleep. So, we both decided it would be best for him to sleep at night but then relieve me in the morning before he went to work.
This worked for some time until his schedule changed. He now goes to work before 7 a.m.
My son doesn't wake up until around....7.
So, when he frequently wakes throughout the night to nurse and then play, it's left up to me to take care of him.
I know some of you may be thinking this is unfair.
Don't worry, I sometimes think the same thing.
But, ultimately my son and I can nap throughout the day to catch up on sleep.
My husband cannot. He goes to work. Naps are not available.
So here we are. Every other night, my son wakes up early in the morning with my minimal amounts of sleep and I sometimes fume.
I sometimes complain and moan, even get frustrated with my son because he won't sleep throughout the night.
I guess these are the results of Attachment parenting. I am a baby led kind of mommy. I don't place my son on a schedule, not yet.
And now, here we are.
I wouldn't change a thing though. I'm just so darned tired.
So tired.
And yet, I look at my child and he's thriving.
He's confident, learning new words every day. He's slowly coming around to potty training and eating more food. He's lying next to me finally without me having to hold him and going to sleep. He's learning boundaries and patience, less whining and exercising more control of his emotions.
He plays by himself and has learned how to pet our cat.
He's learning, growing and thriving.
He hugs and gives kisses ALL DAY LONG! I love it!
He's even started snuggling with me throughout the day.
I just can't get enough.
I enjoy being a mom, his mom. He is my precious blessing.
Just...the sleep part, the lack of sleep is so hard.

Lord, please help me.

I bet this post doesn't make sense. LOL.
I think I'm done.

May the Lord bless you dear reader.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

I'm a Mommy

Whoa....almost another year.  Lol.

Life alert.
I had a baby. His name is Benjamin. He is 9 months old.
This parenting deal is hard and I would like to write about my experience.
God bless.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Hello again!
Almost a year later and here I am! I want to write more. I really do!
I think a lot.
I should remember this blog, but I don't. I'll have to pray and ask God to help me remember. :)
Anyways, let's get to it.
I want to talk about Yahweh and life without Yahweh.
God called himself Yahweh in the Old Testament.
Yahweh means.... "I AM".
Do you know Yahweh?
Most of you don't. Many of you never will, and this is your choice.
But for those of us who may be interested...let's talk.
Yahweh is the Creator.
He created the Sun, Moon, Stars, Planets, Animals, Humans, Plants, Bugs and all other creations.
Science tries to explain HOW he did it, but no one know for sure. None of us were there when He created life, so we can't possibly know exactly how it was done, but we can guess!
We use science to make theories on how everything was done.
I do not believe that science is evil, just that it is not absolute. Yahweh created science. And He has allowed us to use it to our advantage. Maybe to get a unique and improved intelligence of our surroundings and resources, so that we may use these things for the appropriate time.
In no way, is science the Creator, rather it is the creat-ED. Make sense?
This may be hard to grasp.
Our world talks about science as if it is the absolute truth and Yahweh is the lie.
We want definite answers and when this cannot be provided to us, we gravitate towards any answer available.
Buddhism is a perfect example. There's a reason and answer for everything.
Yahweh, does not always provide a definite reason or clearly defined answer. Instead, He asks for faith in Him. To believe in Him and trust the answers will be provided soon.
So for most, a real relationship with Yahweh is out of the question.
If He does not do as we want, then we won't give Him the time or consideration!
But let's take a moment and think.
I have a few questions.
Do you know anyone alive today, who lived from the very beginning of existence?
If there is no one alive to explain the beginning to you, then how do you know that Yahweh does not exist?
How do you know for sure, that God does not live today?
Why do you refuse to even consider that maybe us "Jesus freaks" are telling the truth?
Is it pride? Most likely, but it's okay to be wrong.
Let's be real, I won't suffer any consequences if I am wrong. There is no penalty to die and see nothing. If I am wrong, I'll simply see nothing when it's all over....right?
But for those who deny the Lord, there is a penalty. And this post is to help you understand that.
I'm sure you may ask, "Why would I consider a relationship with someone who would punish me if I refuse him? I should be able to make my own choice and a "scare" tactic is unfair."
I get that.
So then, why would Yahweh want to spend eternity with someone who hates Him? Would you? Would you keep someone around who hates you? Would you force that person to live with you if they despised everything about you? Or much less, never took the time to build a relationship with you?
Maybe you would, I don't know. And to me, that's unfair, but Yahweh is merciful.
Since we are all destined to live forever, we must live somewhere right? And for those who deny Him, there's a place without Him. He won't force you to be with Him.
Instead the place that is truly separated from the Lord is called Hell or the Abyss.
Originally, this place was intended for Angels who rebelled against Him, but now it's a place where everyone goes who refuses to choose Yahweh.

Update...4/18/2017. I never finished this post, but read it again and wanted to share what I was motivated to write.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

So you want to make a difference???

I know two people in two different states who have repeatedly talked about "helping others" and "making a difference in the world".
Their statements are the same.
"I really feel like God wants me to help people...."
"I was meant to do something great and help a bunch of people!"
I understand their sentiment and yes, it is admirable but watching them and how they treat others....makes me wonder. They keep waiting to help people.
This doesn't make any sense.
Jesus talks about helping people with what you have. Literally. The new testament reports stories of the miracles he performed, by multiplying what the disciples had at that moment, to help those in need. So to be honest, if you don't have millions of dollars to give or to use to "help" others, let's make it simple....what do you have? We all have something. Use what you have to help someone.
There are so many people around us who are broken and hurting....we could ALL pitch in to spread the love of Christ. The harvest is plentiful remember?
Why do we have to wait until we make big money, or strike it rich? Why do we have to be famous to help people? Can't we just help our neighbor? If you're asking yourself...what neighbor? I'm talking about the one living next to you! The one at your job, the lady in the grocery line! ANYONE! It doesn't take millions of dollars to change lives. If money were required, then Jesus would have been born into a wealthy family. He would have lived a life LOADED, while throwing money to every poor soul, changing lives with every coin!! Except.....that didn't happen. Jesus was broke, homeless and STILL changes lives today.
So what can your money do? I'm not saying don't use the dollar to aid others. That's not what I'm saying at all. I AM saying don't wait to make a bunch of money to help people. That's not how it works.
If the Lord blesses you with a little and you refuse to use that little to bless others, then why should he trust you with a lot? (Luke 16:10)
Just saying.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Thoughts of a Jesus Lover

Yesterday evening, as my husband and I walked into Walmart, we noticed a small group of men. These men were selling "cross" necklaces for $5.00 to help fund their ministry to reach addicted individuals. They were all graduates from Teen Challenge. As John and I were leaving, we decided to take out some extra cash and give to their ministry.
I asked one man, if they were successful or making a lot of sales. His response was unsettling.
"No. Pensacola is hard. The people here are hard to reach."
I left feeling so sad. 'The people are hard to reach?'
I spoke about this to a few dear friends, and I think they were a little shocked about this too. After further conversation, one of my friends voiced her opinion. She speculated that maybe people are desensitized to the church. She says there are 700 churches in Pensacola alone. So maybe people see Christianity over and over again, and they are no longer receptive, because it's everywhere.
I thought about that....maybe she was right.
But then...I started to feel a deeper level of sadness.
700 churches. That's a rather big army.
If there are truly 700 "churches" obedient to Christ, in Pensacola, with active and spirit filled members, shouldn't we see a Revolution? A transformation? Shouldn't the people of Pensacola NOT be tired or wary of the church, but changed? Renewed? Healed? Rejoicing? Full of hope? Full of faith? Filled with joy? Seeking peace? Seeking relationship? Seeking God? cannot, and I repeat, you Cannot have a real encounter with Jesus and remain unchanged. He is the author and creator of life. God is all about fixing, renewing and rebuilding each of us so we can live our life as HE intended...which I promise, is far better than anything you and I have planned or anyone else for that matter.
The spirit is FULL of life! And each of us, as an ambassador of Christ should live a life to reflect his spirit. Right? They should hear his name and the gospel and as we sow the seeds, the Lord will do the rest. I should hope when people see me, they see Jesus, not Mary. Not you...right?
Of course, realistically, you will face stubbornness, denial, refusal and every other act of rebellion against our Father. But we should never falter or QUIT. We MUST spread the word. We MUST love and teach about Jesus.
And church, people of pensacola who attend church, if we cannot do this and reap the harvest Jesus so clearly explains is ready(Luke 10:2), then what exactly are we doing?
The thought that there are 700 churches and people are perhaps, tired of hearing about Jesus? What are we doing?