Saturday, September 5, 2015

Thoughts of a Jesus Lover

Yesterday evening, as my husband and I walked into Walmart, we noticed a small group of men. These men were selling "cross" necklaces for $5.00 to help fund their ministry to reach addicted individuals. They were all graduates from Teen Challenge. As John and I were leaving, we decided to take out some extra cash and give to their ministry.
I asked one man, if they were successful or making a lot of sales. His response was unsettling.
"No. Pensacola is hard. The people here are hard to reach."
I left feeling so sad. 'The people are hard to reach?'
I spoke about this to a few dear friends, and I think they were a little shocked about this too. After further conversation, one of my friends voiced her opinion. She speculated that maybe people are desensitized to the church. She says there are 700 churches in Pensacola alone. So maybe people see Christianity over and over again, and they are no longer receptive, because it's everywhere.
I thought about that....maybe she was right.
But then...I started to feel a deeper level of sadness.
700 churches. That's a rather big army.
If there are truly 700 "churches" obedient to Christ, in Pensacola, with active and spirit filled members, shouldn't we see a Revolution? A transformation? Shouldn't the people of Pensacola NOT be tired or wary of the church, but changed? Renewed? Healed? Rejoicing? Full of hope? Full of faith? Filled with joy? Seeking peace? Seeking relationship? Seeking God? cannot, and I repeat, you Cannot have a real encounter with Jesus and remain unchanged. He is the author and creator of life. God is all about fixing, renewing and rebuilding each of us so we can live our life as HE intended...which I promise, is far better than anything you and I have planned or anyone else for that matter.
The spirit is FULL of life! And each of us, as an ambassador of Christ should live a life to reflect his spirit. Right? They should hear his name and the gospel and as we sow the seeds, the Lord will do the rest. I should hope when people see me, they see Jesus, not Mary. Not you...right?
Of course, realistically, you will face stubbornness, denial, refusal and every other act of rebellion against our Father. But we should never falter or QUIT. We MUST spread the word. We MUST love and teach about Jesus.
And church, people of pensacola who attend church, if we cannot do this and reap the harvest Jesus so clearly explains is ready(Luke 10:2), then what exactly are we doing?
The thought that there are 700 churches and people are perhaps, tired of hearing about Jesus? What are we doing?

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