Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fat and Miserable

Yes. I am overweight. About 100 lbs overweight.
I've been overweight most of my entire life.
At some point, I was fed up with my weight and decided to do something about it. Well.....let's be honest, I was fed up for many "parts" of  my life, and I decided to attempt weight loss. Some attempts were more successful than others. I even lost a whopping 28 lbs on my own, embracing the Atkins diet. (Horrible diet! Don't do it.) After I lost the weight and got the attention I so desired, I got comfortable and decided to eat what I wanted. This resulted in an even bigger size.
Years pass by and I get older, all the while, gaining more weight. Around 30 years old, a doctor decides to tell me that I may be hypertensive. I rebuked that in Jesus' name and kept on trucking doing what I wanted, until the stress of life and my job resulted in abnormal heart palpitations. They ended up putting me on some meds for the palpitations which also lowered blood pressure. (Bystolic)
I took this for almost a year and finally took myself off, as well as the Klonopin. I felt and still feel like I don't need it. I detest taking medications. Pharmaceutical companies are not so much geared to HELP society, but to make money. At least in my opinion. So I stopped the meds, and a few years pass. I'm married and in love. My husband is an inactive type of guy, so my activity levels decreased. No, it's not his fault, but it's kinda hard to get active when all I want to do is SIT up under that man. I'm madly inlove and since he likes to sit around, I like to sit around with him and spend time with my hubby. Bad habits perhaps?
2013 was a great start. For some reason, I woke up and said no more! I started actively walking at the track down the street from our apartment, even going without my husband who thought of every excuse to stop me. Eventually, he came around because he could see I was losing weight. Since weighing myself and seeing a number really discourages me, I never weighed in. I don't know how much weight I lost, but it was enough to be noticeable. My eating habits had changed. I went completely vegan for a while, then changed my mind and went Semi-vegetarian only eating chicken and fish. This worked out great. Soon afterwards, I severely injured my back while running on the track and could not walk or stand for long periods of time. I couldn't walk for several months. And as the time went by, my enthusiasm slowly disappeared. I was angry and very hurt. It didn't seem fair. I was finally doing something about my weight but now what was I doing? Lying around and "healing". Overall, I quit. I just gave up. I kept saying I would go back and get started, complete my training for a marathon, but I haven't done it yet.
So I asked myself why.  Why do I keep doing this? Why do I keep running my mouth, crying about my weight and doing nothing about it? I've been doing this for 14 years.
The answer: I don't know.
I don't understand myself.

Overall....I'm miserable. I don't like the way I look. "So get up and do something about it!" Well ya's not always that easy.
I feel bad. My thoracic spine is in extreme pain sometimes. For the past week I've been trying Yoga and seeing great results. Have I been keeping up with the routines? Nope! I start something and then I don't finish. It's like something hanging over me, most of my entire life concerning my weight.

So I decided to start recording myself, recording a blog about my weight loss.

This time...I'm not sure what's going to happen. I don't have anyone encouraging me to lose weight. It's me...all by myself. Right now, I don't have anything positive to say or anything uplifting.
I guess I just want to start feeling better and feeding my body healthier food.
I'll post videos on youtube.

Mary W

Thursday, May 29, 2014

All He does is WIN WIN WIN no matter what!

Oh! Jesus is amazing!
Is anyone familiar with Joshua? The Joshua of the bible? If you are not familiar with this man, there is an entire book about him in the bible named: Joshua. Haha.
Anyways, he was Moses' apprentice so to speak. And after Moses passed away, Joshua took over leadership of Israel and lead them to many victories against their enemy in a foreign land. Keep in mind, his victories were not won on his own, but won by the hand of God.
God was with Joshua.
This made Joshua a winner! Victorious!
And I want to talk about how you and I can have the same victory.

In Joshua, chapter 11, the bible speaks about Israel fighting against a HUGE army.

"When Jabin king of Hazor heard of this, he sent word to Jobab king of Madon, to the kings of Shimron and Acshaph, and to the northern kings who were in the mountains, in the arabah south of Kinnereth, in the westeren foothills and in Naphoth Dor on the west, to the Canaanites in the east and west; to the Amorities, Hittities, Perizzites and Jebusites in the hill country; and to the Hivites below Hermon in the region of Mizpah. They came out with all their troops and a large number of horses and chariots-- a huge army, as numerous as the sand on the seashore. All these kings joined forces and made camp together at the Waters of Merom, to fight against Israel."
Joshua 11:1-5

Now, let's think about this for a moment. King Jabin, sent word to many kings in the Northern region. Back then, they didn't have email, or a postal system. They didn't have phones or telegrams. They had horses, and messengers. Can you imagine how long this took to gather all of these men together? To come to an agreement concerning their alliances and provisions. I'm sure they discussed a campaign and strategy on how to eliminate the Israelites. These kings did not just blindly come together to fight. No. A smart king, is going to come up with a plan to win every battle. Right?
So I can only assume that throughout their meetings and traveling back and forth in between kingdoms, their plot to destroy Israel took some work, and some time. Apparently, Jabin had enough influence to talk these Kings into rallying their forces and joining him in this fight.
The kings of the Northern region must have felt powerful. They knew they were numerous and their number alone, should have promised victory. But they failed to realize who they were fighting against. They weren't fighting against Israel alone. They were fighting against God.
And ya know what?
God ALWAYS wins!!
I am reminded of life in general. I'm sure many of you have encountered people in your life who work together against you. It's the same scenario. The enemy will rally it's forces to bring you down. And the enemy does not work in small numbers, not all the time. Sometimes you face something or someone so huge, and so large, you doubt if you'll make it. But this story of Joshua is a reminder for those who are in Christ. For those who believe in Jesus, we have hope and a God is STRONG! Do you understand what I'm saying? GOD IS REALLY STRONG! He can boss haul anyone!
Were the Israelites afraid? I'm sure they were. They were facing a nasty battle that threatened to kill them all. And yet God told Joshua:

"Do not be afraid of them because by this time tomorrow, I will hand all of them over to Israel, slain." Joshua 11:6

God is saying, I know what you're going through. I know how big the battle may seem to you. I know that you are afraid of what might happen, but I am going to handle this. I am going to deliver you. I am going to protect. I am going to make you victorious against your enemies! Don't worry about what you may see in front you. The battle is already won, because I AM will deliver you.
He told Moses, His name was "I am" for a reason! God IS everything that you and I need.

There is power in the name of Jesus!! There is power in knowing that God is FOR you, not against you! But you cannot tap into this power if you don't believe in Him.
Do you believe in Jesus? Do you trust in Him? Do you obey the Lord?
The Israelites did. And they won the battle against the Northern Kings.
See, you can't win if you refuse to obey God. Jesus says, if you love him, you would obey his commands. Obedience to the Lord is righteousness. The Israelites would not have won if they refused to obey the Lord and follow His commands.
But in this case, they were victorious through Him.
God gave them rest soon after this battle.

The Lord does not change. No matter how big your enemy may be, remember God matter what. He will give you victory just like He gave the Israelites victory.
Trust and believe in Him. Call on Him and praise our God!
There is no one like Him.

I bless each of you, in Jesus' name.

Mary W.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Emotions-----Being a mindful wife

Yesterday my husband and I had an indifference.
We were walking and my husband was tired and dealing with persistent bugs that bite, so he told me we were going home. This made me mad, and I lashed out at him.
This made him mad, and he walked on ahead of me. I had read earlier that morning in 1 Corinthians 4:20, that the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power. So while he and I were both angry, I spoke out loud against that spirit of limitations that covers my husband. I broke that hold on him in the name of Jesus. And I was passionate about it. John walked ahead of me until he got home. I made it home shortly afterwards. I found out later that he thought I was talking about him in a negative way. I was talking about him, but I was talking about him to Jesus, and claiming victory for my husband. He limits himself because of fear and sometimes laziness.
At home, we didn't argue. That's not what we do. We talk about our problems, but sometimes that may take a few hours before we are ready to speak. So, I went and did laundry and shopped for groceries. By the time I was done, and at home, he was ready to talk. I was ready to talk.
He apologized and I apologized.
In the past, I would have some long winded speech about what he did and how I felt and blah blah blah. But this time, I did not go on. I spoke briefly and listened. I listened to him speak. He doesn't speak readily like myself, like most women. As a man, he speaks when he is ready. I respect this and do my best to not incite him.
Last night, while in bed, he seemed distressed. I asked him to elaborate if he wanted and I would listen without lecturing. He kissed me and held me close for it, then he began to talk about what was on his mind. I don't get a chance to hear this often. But I was thankful that he would allow me to listen. My husband has been internalizing everything.
I did not know this. He never said a word.
All those times I thought he had his mind on things that were not important, I was wrong. He was concerned just as I was concerned. He just doesn't know how to deal with conflict. He is not confrontational and/or argumentative. He avoids it all costs. This is because of his mother. (that's another blog. LOL)
I lay in his arms and listened to my husband tell me his inner most thoughts about our life together and the problems we are facing together. There was a lot on his mind. I wanted to take it all away.
I thought about emotions this morning and how some of us will bottle everything up and not deal with it. This is dangerous and cause long term problems. My husband, my sweet sweet husband, has been bottling his emotions for a long time. And I never knew this.
Ladies, take time to talk to your husband. Take time to LISTEN. You don't always have to be right and you don't always have to do all of the talking. Our men are human, just as we are human. We may process things differently, but they have emotions and feelings too.
There are times they may try to take on the world by themselves. Remind them that you are there to bring them good, not harm. (proverbs 31:12) Remind them that they are not alone, you are their helper!
Encourage, praise and make your husband the second most important priority in your life. Jesus comes first. Your husband comes second. Don't waste time arguing with your man, or making him feel less of a man. You cannot define manhood. You are made a woman for a reason. Treat him with utmost respect and honor your husband. Tell him how much you love him. He fights for you (children if you have any) every day.
Don't let your emotions get out of control. Stop beating up your husband with your words. He deserves better. Find out how his mind works and remove the idea that you are always right. Because guess what, you are almost always wrong. This is why Jesus died for you, for me, for your husband, for everyone. 
Our emotions drive us to do crazy things...but they can be controlled. You can be disciplined.
Make a choice and constant effort to control your emotions.

Blessings to you.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Light within me

For almost two months, I have been in a strange funk.
I didn't know what was going on or why it started. I just felt...crappy.
During this time, I hardly read the bible or studied His word. I would make the attempt, but get distracted or fall asleep.
Sometimes this happens. But it was more frequent, as of late.
I prayed about it, couldn't understand why this wouldn't go away, but kept trying to adhere to my schedule. At 10:30 am, almost every day, I study the bible, meet and pray with God.
So while I kept it, I didn't feel like doing it.
I wasn't mad. I was not going through anything really. Nothing more than a strange funk.
Then last night, Jesus revealed the truth to me.
He revealed it through my husband's bible study with the online gamers.
John was talking to me about his bible study plan and discussion. He was very passionate about it. He used an example of Peter Griffin from the Family Guy. He asked the gamers if this character was a good example of a Godly man. What example does he portray to the public??
I started to think. There isn't anyone that these kids can watch or admire, without disgusting characteristics. Most of the men are taught to have sex, make money, have sex, buy nice cars and clothes, have sex,be charming, be a dog, be a thug...etc...etc...
What character on TV depicts an image of a man taking care of his family, staying faithful to his wife? Working diligently and praying faithfully to Jesus? There isn't one. Not one sitcom that shows this.
If the guy is in a relationship, he is almost always an idiot and the wife/girlfriend is the brains of the family/couple. So then...these young men, their eyes are filled with garbage. Total garbage. And if they are surrounded by bad examples, how do they know to do what is right by God? They are being filled with darkness. Filled with lies.
Jesus told me last night, my eyes and ears have been filled with garbage as of late. Darkness. Grayness. (is that a word?? LOL)
I've been listening to a lot of secular music because I am tired of the same old Christian sound. I want something new. Since John has been home, I've been watching a lot of secular anime. Filling me up with nothingness. Darkness. Fear.
I normally limit myself, and indulge my being, my very existence into Christ. Since I was involved elsewhere, the very depth of my body was becoming a void. A powerful void that left me alone, scared, and helpless. I wasn't sleeping well and feeling depraved.
I realize now, it was my fault. This is why, we MUST fill our eyes with light. We must surround ourselves with a CONSTANT reminder of Christ. Without Him, we are nothing. Without Him, we become dead.

Matthew 6:22-23

New International Version (NIV)
22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body will be full of light. 23 But if your eyes are unhealthy,[b] your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!

Fill your body with light!!


Sunday, February 16, 2014


I've been overweight most of my life. Around 11 years old, I put on a lot of weight. My parents always tried to force me to eat as a child and finally I started eating.
I've been fat ever since. And I hate myself because of it.
Last year I started to lose weight and then injured my back so I couldn't continue. Got discouraged, and here I am...complaining.

I suck.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Godless Chatter

"Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly." 2 Timothy 2:16

Hmm....godless chatter.
I read this scripture, this morning and began to really think about it.
How much do I talk about God? Jesus? Is He a part of my every day conversation? Or do I only talk about him when problems arise? Or when a crisis appears? When life's storms approach? Do I then, talk boldly about Christ? According to this scripture, I should speak of my Lord every day! But do I do this?
And what exactly is "godless" chatter? Well, that seems to be pretty simple, since the bible uses the term "godless", I'm sure that this means having a conversation without ever mentioning God.
So, how many of us do this? How many of us talk about everything and NEVER mention God? Almost all of us.
Take it from someone who has experienced this. When you start talking about Jesus, the people who are devoted to something or someone else, find NO INTEREST in your conversation. Most of us talk about ourselves and what we have accomplished or what we want to accomplish. When you bring up the name Jesus, people start to get uncomfortable, if not even argumentative. Why is this?
This is not the first time God has told us to keep His name, and His very essence in our conversation.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments (Mosaic Law) that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:4-9

So does this mean we need to exist unto the Lord? YES! What I mean by that is, don't stop talking about God! Why talk about our Lord, one day a week? When He exists and showers us with mercy and grace...EVERY DAY?!! Shouldn't we be thankful and verbal about Him? Shouldn't we talk about His goodness every single day?
Remember, the bible says in 2 Timothy, that if we refuse to talk about God every day, at every moment available, we will indulge in godless chatter and BECOME MORE UNGODLY.
This happens constantly. Look around, and start listening to conversations. Very few ENJOY talking about Christ. And I'm not talking about a joy that involves discrediting Jesus. I'm talking about a joy and satisfaction that some people receive from simply mentioning His name. They talk about Scripture, about God, about Jesus and what He has done in their life.
These people preach love, truth, and faith. They rarely tire of their "godly" conversation.
I say rarely because sometimes, we fall out of season. And we get bummed out. In times like these, we don't talk about God. Or don't know what to say. But our hearts should never stray from the Lord. God knows how we feel and He understands our "seasons". Sometimes, you just won't feel like talking about Him. That's okay. But be prepared, both in season and out of season.

"Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-- with great patience and careful instruction."
2 Timothy 4:2

While we go through a season of dryness or lack of motivation, we should always be prepared. And how do we prepare.
Simple....spend time with God. Read the bible. Pray. Meditate on His word. Study His Word. Journal about His word. Talk about His word. Talk about Jesus. Talk about God. Sing to Him. Love Him. Live for Him.
You will never progress, in your walk with Christ, unless you take the steps to move forward.

God Bless!