Wednesday, October 7, 2015

So you want to make a difference???

I know two people in two different states who have repeatedly talked about "helping others" and "making a difference in the world".
Their statements are the same.
"I really feel like God wants me to help people...."
"I was meant to do something great and help a bunch of people!"
I understand their sentiment and yes, it is admirable but watching them and how they treat others....makes me wonder. They keep waiting to help people.
This doesn't make any sense.
Jesus talks about helping people with what you have. Literally. The new testament reports stories of the miracles he performed, by multiplying what the disciples had at that moment, to help those in need. So to be honest, if you don't have millions of dollars to give or to use to "help" others, let's make it simple....what do you have? We all have something. Use what you have to help someone.
There are so many people around us who are broken and hurting....we could ALL pitch in to spread the love of Christ. The harvest is plentiful remember?
Why do we have to wait until we make big money, or strike it rich? Why do we have to be famous to help people? Can't we just help our neighbor? If you're asking yourself...what neighbor? I'm talking about the one living next to you! The one at your job, the lady in the grocery line! ANYONE! It doesn't take millions of dollars to change lives. If money were required, then Jesus would have been born into a wealthy family. He would have lived a life LOADED, while throwing money to every poor soul, changing lives with every coin!! Except.....that didn't happen. Jesus was broke, homeless and STILL changes lives today.
So what can your money do? I'm not saying don't use the dollar to aid others. That's not what I'm saying at all. I AM saying don't wait to make a bunch of money to help people. That's not how it works.
If the Lord blesses you with a little and you refuse to use that little to bless others, then why should he trust you with a lot? (Luke 16:10)
Just saying.

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