Monday, July 9, 2012

Rainbow colored Oreo

The rainbow colored Oreo. Yeah, I saw it. People were upset (including myself) that Oreo supports homosexuality. Many of us, who are against it, posted some rude and/or insulting comments about the picture of the rainbow oreo. Some facebookers suggested they would support Oreo all the more for their statement. Others vowed to never buy an oreo again. I even jumped in on the bashing party...posting that the color of the rainbow belongs to the Lord. The rainbow is a beautiful thing and homosexuals have no rights to claim it. I remember stating that the rainbow could not be perverted because it was beautiful and a promise from God. Apparently, what I said offended someone.
It bothered him so much, he took out the time to email me.
The message was ugly. I read it with shock. I couldn't believe that a random person would take out the time to send me such an angry email. He was mad, and gave me a piece of his mind.
I read it again and again...and decided I wanted to write him back. Was I upset? Yes. At first, I was upset that he was cussing me and calling me names. Then I realized...this is not about me. This is not who this person was designed to be. The enemy is working through him. Besides, if I were to email him back in the same manner would this glorify God? The kid was an aethist. So this was another issue. Should I email him back in anger and expect positive results, or should I live by the Word of God and forgive my brother who knows no better?
I chose the latter. I emailed him back with kindness.

June 28
Mystery Man: God does not exist and i will prove it by using your own words. So if i say, im am an ateist by the way, if i say the world has always been here you a christian say no its no possible things cant always exist. Then i could say that the world came out of nowhere you say no thats not possible it had to have a creator. So im sorry bitch but your god has to follow the logic rule you christians made. If the universe cant come out of nothing because thats not possible then neither can your god. If my universe cant come out of nowhere like your rules state than your god cant always have been here. So fuck off. Oh but wait he can come out of nothing or always exist cause he is gos rite. Fuck off. Stop coming on a gay pride webpage and bashing. You dont even follow your bibles rules.reply i beg i wanna here a narrow minded christians answer for this valid and extremly legitiment ptoof that your god is fake. So reply please.

Mary Ann Walker: Good Afternoon! I apologize for not replying sooner. I dislike the way facebook displays my messages. Forgive me...but I don't remember replying about anything concerning homosexuality? If I did...I wonder what I said. Apparently, it incited you had to write me a poorly written message to dispute everything I said. So first, I would like to apologize for upsetting you. Did I say something against you personally? If I did, we all make mistakes, but I would like to be the first to apologize. I am sorry. I am also saddened to read that you do not believe in Christ. He exists. Your statement and I quote: "if i say the world has always been here you a christian say no its no possible things cant always exist." is incorrect. There is a God who can always exist. He is forever and ever. Not sure what you mean by thing..perhaps something tangible? Or something that can rot? This statement confuses me and does not make much sense. I am guessing you are having problems with the idea that God can exist without ANY HUMAN explanation? It is hard to grasp that any kind of Life can exist without coming from somewhere. I know..I had a difficult time with it as well. For some, it doesn't make sense...especially when everything as we know...comes from something right? But there is "something" out there bigger than both you and I. He has a purpose and has always existed. His existence cannot be explained. He was, and is and is to come! I don't expect you to believe me...or to fathom the idea that God exists. There is so much more to life than our existence on earth Mr. Gothay. I would advise you...if you would take out the time to simply read the bible on your own. There are lots of people out there who critique and give you THEIR opinion, but I would like to encourage you to read the bible and make up your own mind without negative influence. There are SO many versions that are now easy to read. I am not trying to sway you. I simply believe in knowing all the facts! I would want to research everything first and THEN make a decision. If God is false and does not exist...then after you read the should have ample ammunition to use against me correct? I am writing you back, because you challenged me...and I love a challenge! But now..I challenge you..have you tried reading the bible? Front to back..ALONE without influence? Give it a shot. If God doesn't exist in your eyes, then reading the bible should be like reading a storybook right? It's all one...big...story. are right! I don't follow the Lord's rules! How did you know? I make mistakes every day! I break His rules quite often. As a matter of fact, I have YET to meet ONE PERSON who has managed to keep the Lord's rules and not break ONE in his/her lifetime. If you meet someone who says they never sin, or break God's rules..let me know. Last I checked, Jesus died for our sins thousands of years ago. He was the ONLY human who broke not ONE of God's rules. You see..I am not better than you. I do not expect everyone to agree with me, or even like me. Actually Mystery Man, I've done some serious crap in my life. At one point...I thought maybe I was supposed to be gay. I was all for gay pride. While I do not believe that homosexuals should marry, I do believe that everyone should be treated with respect. I understand you are mad...and strongly dislike me. I will not apologize for what I believe in. I do not expect you to do the same. I would like to ask you to forgive me since I have upset you. I will be more careful of what I say. I hope you will at least entertain the idea of reading the bible. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me a message. (No that remark was not meant to be cynical or a joke by any means. This message was not meant to be disrespectful or harmful to you in any way) Be safe.


Mystery Man: Okay, sorry for being rude. I was mad. At that time. I am not able to beleive in god, because everything I know tells me he isn't real. If he is I am not deserving to beleive. What my statement ment was 'christians argue with atheists that something, the universe, can't come out of nothing. And, if an atheist were to say that the universe has always been here, a christian would argue that it isn't possible because every creation needs a creator. But, then your god would have to follow the same rule. If the univerese can't come out of nothing becaude according to you it's not possible, than by your own rule than neither can god. Also, the pope recently stated that atheists were responsible for all cruelty and injustice that has ever existed. Yeah millions of jews were killed by hitler. Who was an atheist. But he was phsyco. But, all 11 million of his murder victims do not begin to amount to the 100's of milions that have been killed by catholics and christians in the presuit of, and in the name of god. And what about 9-11 that was a religous person killing people for their god. And the spanish inqusition, where thousands of people every day were drawn and qaurtered and strectched and beat for god. The pope is a terrible man. Im sorry but to much proves the fallacy of pleading that all god beleivers show but no proven facts of his existence. Sorry if I made you mad or hurt your feelings. I was angred. People freaking out over an oreo cookie being a rainbow, that makes me embarassed to be a human.
Mary Ann Walker: Apology accepted! Ahh! It was the comment about the oreo cookie! Hmm...I've always thought the rainbow was a beautiful thing! I did make a harsh comment! I remember now. I was upset at that time as well. So I apologize for offending you. People hate the color of the rainbow. And rainbows are beautiful :)
A few things.... the Pope, Hitler, Spanish inquisition folk, 9-11 folk, and others using Christianity or their "religion" or whatever as a scapegoat...are prime examples of corruption. Power, money, fame, and authority are all tools which lead them to their own destruction. They served themselves and did as they pleased thus resulting in their downfall. Every action...has a reaction. Everything we do..has a consequence.
Not every Christian...who calls themself a Christian...IS a Christian. People are corrupt, no matter what color, size, shape, race, or position they are in. The statement that aethists are the cause for all cruelty and injustice is a joke! If the Pope really knew the Word of the Lord, he would know that the same people who "believed" in Christ, crucified him and had him killed. They were not atheist by any means. They thought they were doing the work of God. They beat him, spit on him, literally ripped his flesh from his body and drove nails into his hands and feet while he was still alive, to hang him on a cross. Once again, they did all this, in the name of God. Were these people Christian? No. The were FAR from God.
Oh...and the Pope is Catholic. I do not agree much with anything Catholics believe. I think they are strange and very cultish.
Anyways, What about the "religious" people who go out and murder doctors who practice abortion? Or the Christian girl that murdered a younger girl just to see what it feels like? (she went to church that same evening after she murdered another human being) There is not one group of people to blame for the tragedy in our world. Destruction comes in all shapes and sizes. Who said that Christians are perfect? We struggle every day. Everyone does!
Also Christianity does not exmept me, or anyone else from obeying the law. There are bad apples in every apple tree.
I, myself, do not choose to generalize. If I did, I would hate every blonde, blue eyed girl for the abuse I suffered as a small child. She made a mistake, and caused me pain...but I do not generalize and condemn everyone else with features like hers for because of my past.
Lots of christians leave a bad taste in my mouth too..but not every one of us condemns you.
I want to tell you thank you for replying to my message. I am very happy you responded!
Yeah...the oreo cookie was pretty..and people immediately jumped the gun. Christians started rambling their mouth...myself included! And we said a LOT of things that were inappropriate. I apologize for them and myself.
If there are any questions or anything you want to discuss with me....please feel free to contact me. I don't mind at all. :) I hope you had a wonderful weekend! Take care.

P.S. Want proof that God about how God has intervened in people's lives. Ever hear stories of how ladies lift cars off their children who are pinned down? Or have been miraculously healed with NO treatment from a terminal disease?
Look at yourself in the mirror. You didn't JUST happen. You have a purpose in life. Ask God...(and if you don't believe that He exists then it's okay to just talk into the air) to show you that He is real. You don't think He won't do just that?
I hope I have not offended you. Thanks again for responding.
It has been an honor speaking with you! Goodnight!

Mystery Man: Goodnight. :)


Interesting right? He completely changed his tone. I want to dedicate this post to the young gentleman who emailed me back. He was kind and very confused. He did not understand the truth of things and lashed out at me.
Lord, I pray for the gentleman that emailed me...I pray that one day he will make a decision on his OWN to follow your decrees and seek your face. God I pray that this man will become the true man of God that you have designed him to be. I pray against those that may turn him from the left or the right. I pray that he can see your glory and your existence in his life. He needs proof, or feels he needs proof to believe. him that you exist! Show him that you are mighty and his helper! He does not understand why there is so much evil in the world...he does not recognize the sin in his life. Show him Father..that you are the way, the truth and the light. You are everything we need. You alone.
I won't give up praying for him and many more. Guide him him to you. Let him be bold when he comes to know you! Let him proclaim all your goodness without shame!
I ask in Jesus' name.

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