Sunday, July 12, 2015


Random posts.
I seem to write a lot of these.
I am inconsistent and sometimes ignore the call to write. I believe my journaling aka...blogs can be somewhat depressing. But I do like to keep a record of my life.
I am happily married to the most wonderful man on earth. His name is John. We do not have children. We have instead, a fur baby.
I work for a billing company and try my best to clear claims. I love my job but hate the festering drama. Women are dramatic, controlling, manipulative and jealous. All traits I find repulsive. I used to try and make I hesitate to trust anyone with my life. I dare not speak too much of my past, my history. As soon as you display your secrets, your most precious jewels...the thieves come to steal it all away. They never handle you with care. Instead, they abuse you. And I've had enough.
So I keep my work and personal life separate. It works better this way.
I also love the fact, that while I am writing this, my dear husband is reading every word. He's so nosey...and I find it so cute. Most people would be annoyed I guess. Not me. Ahhhh....that was off the subject. So back to my life...
Work, work, work. I'm trying to get an exercise routine going. I've been walking with my husband a minimum of 2 days a week. Meals? Still working that part out. But this is a journey that takes time, trial and error. I want to win this time and not just so I can look good. But so I can FEEL good. Feel healthy. This is more important than being sexy. (Although I must admit, I am a very sexy woman...when the moment calls for me to seductive)
Health is your wealth. I watched 70 year old man dance for 15 minutes straight during worship. He told me he's been active since he was young. He knew it was important to be healthy. Now he's 70 years old and looks great! Moves wonderfully.
I wanna be like him when I grow up.
Music. I still love to sing. I want to write music but haven't had the motivation. I want to write a motivation. I want to start a life group. No motivation. I'm in a funk I guess. Lazy? I dunno. But I am going to try my best to move out of it. I won't be here for long.
Something new will begin. I feel it.
I've been wanting to have a baby. A baby boy. We even picked out a name. Noah Jonathan Walker. John isn't ready yet. God knows the right time.
Guess I'm done for today.